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Advancement of Spiritual Teachers

Yogis, Yoga Preceptors, Gurus and Sat Gurus: What is the Difference?

Yogis have attained a certain degree of mastery and empowerment to teach specific Yoga paths such as Non-Duality (Jnana Yoga), or path of devotion (Bhakti Yoga), Kriya Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, etc. Some of them also develop special abilities called Siddhis.


Most of the spiritual teachers in the past and today are Yogis in Jnana Yoga (Non-Duality), Bhakti Yoga, etc. traditions. They rarely realize Full Consciousness and their Soul Advancement reaches somewhere between 600-4,000. Some of them are famous spiritual teachers worldwide or in the West. 


Many times they are considered to be Gurus or even Sat Gurus, however their consciousness is mostly settled in Anda or Brahmanda regions and their Souls are not liberated from our local universe Brahmanda, even though in some cases they may experience of the light of BrahmaJyoti that is the source light of our lower universe.​

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Yoga Preceptors are spiritually advanced beings who usually, but not always, have realized Full Consciousness and have Soul Advancement of 4,000 and above. They have settled in the Brahmanda and often teach from the BrahmaJyoti region, too.


Yoga Preceptors are usually Yoga lineage holders, such as Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Nada Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Agni Yoga, etc. 


Their Soul is usually liberated from Pinda and Anda regions, to some degree from Brahmanda, up to the BrahmaJyoti region.


Nowadays, many Yoga Preceptors are considered to be Gurus or even Sat Gurus. However, their consciousness is mostly settled in BrahmaJyoti or below in Brahmanda. Thus, they are still under the hidden hand of Lord Brahm / Kal Niranjan, who is the light of BrahmaJyoti, and his creations are the Brahmandas (Lower Universes). It is important to note that their Souls are not liberated from the grip of Lord Brahm / Kal Niranjan, even though BrahmaJyoti is a blissful light beyond the Brahmanda universes, it is the source light of these lower universes, and it is mistakenly assumed as the final Absolute Self or the Divine Beloved.

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A Guru is typically a spiritually advanced being who usually has realized Full Consciousness and has advanced as a Soul to a level of ParBrahmanda, the Supra-Universal state which equates to the Soul Advancement of 5,500 and above. Typically, a Guru would liberate their Soul from Pinda, Anda, Brahmanda, and BrahmaJyoti regions, thus becoming free from the grip of Lord Brahm / Kal Niranjan.

True Gurus are very rare and have many more powers to guide the Souls and liberate them (up to their own abode) than Yoga Preceptors or Yogis.

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Sat Gurus are much more rare, as they have not only realized Full Consciousness, their Soul Advancement is at 10,000 and above, and they have attained complete Soul Liberation from Pinda, Anda, Brahmanda, BrahmaJyoti, and ParBrahmanda regions and have established themselves in the True Divine Regions

True Sat Gurus are extremely rare; it is the greatest blessing in one's lifetime to meet one, and they have many more powers to guide and fully liberate the Souls than Gurus, Yoga Preceptors, or Yogis.

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Note: The lists above have been recently revised, considering Soul Advancement 10,000 marks the completion of all karma in regions below Divine / Sat Lok / Sach Khand according to the Divine Cosmology. Some measurements have been recalibrated from this higher perspective.

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Spiritual teachers can be at various Levels of Consciousness and Soul Advancement, so it's crucial to examine their teachings and results. For instance, a teacher at the Awareness level, the first enlightenment stage, might be well-established with plentiful outcomes. Another at Full Consciousness might be new to teaching and still developing, so judging solely on consciousness level isn't wise.


It's important to take time to understand a spiritual teacher, their teachings, and their impact. Look at how many people they've helped awaken. Sometimes, a large following doesn't mean many are reaching higher consciousness levels, while a smaller group might have more people advancing.


The key is to observe the teacher's methods, grasp from which place they are teaching, and, most importantly, see the real-world effects of their guidance. This approach helps you make a more informed choice about following a particular spiritual teacher.

Levels of Consciousness Precautions

  • LOC Full Consciousness is an openness beyond any fixations, as pure consciousness and a natural Sahaja state. You will need time to integrate that and experience it in your everyday life, in the usual life conditions. That will take as much time as you will need. Usually, we would give it 2-7 years for integration after the opening.

  • It is becoming more common to open into LOC Full Consciousness while still being at lower Soul Advancement.

  • Other teachers may measure LOCs from their point of reference. Thus, the measurements may differ accordingly.

  • Level of Consciousness DOES NOT compare how good one or another teacher is; it DOES NOT compare their teachings.

  • LOC only indicates the Level of Consciousness and NOT what one does with it or achieves their life or how they contribute to society.

  • The above list is being continuously updated. Feel free to send us your suggestions via the contact us page.

Full Consciousness Transmission

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